Thursday 21 August 2008

Golden Rules of a

Rushers and Snipers will nearly always go to the same spots in each particular game. Don’t ignore this. Check these spots before moving on.
When sniping on a map, make sure you know the best positions and nests beforehand, so you
Know where to go, and where enemy snipers will be.

Never run your weapon dry.

Even if you have a screen full of enemies, only take out your target. Period. The idea is to keep them guessing, and firing 4 or 5 rounds into a crowd, then sitting there reloading for tens minutes while they cook grenades is a dumb tactic. Don’t do it ever.

Claymores are your new best friend. They are rarely there to kill, if an enemy runs past them whilst primed, they hardly ever kill, but when they go off, you get notified. Use this 3 seconds until the enemy shows up to get into a defensive position. And remember, when they come around the corner, and you blow their head off, change position. No, I don’t mean lie down, I mean different area of the map. They WILL be pissed you killed them, they Will come back. Move some distance away and pick them off as they stare at where you used to be.

As a sniper, you have to remember, you don’t have a machinegun. You will lose in a CQB to someone with any other weapon. Don’t go Rambo with an R700. There is no point.

In the gaming world, as a sniper there is one kind of person you have to watch out for. They are called mobile snipers. It is a technique I practise myself, and I know how hard it is to kill me, so watch out for them. What we do is as follows: take a shot. It doesn’t matter if you managed to take out 10 people with that one shot or missed entirely. We move. Whether it be across the map, or 2 feet away it doesn’t matter. Every time we do that, some dick is stood staring at where we were, waiting to die. You see someone shoot-run-shoot-run-…etc, ignore them. And stay out of sight. When the UAV shows up on the enemy side, find a nice place to camp, and DO NOT FIRE. You don’t need to wear a billboard saying ‘shoot me’, so don’t.

A good thing to point out is when in a room with a window which you are sniping out of, use the whole room. You are safer stood up moving about the room than you are sat by a window waiting for your head to pop. Also, sitting by windows makes the end of your rifle poke out, making you more noticeable to everyone around you and below you.

With weapons like the Dragunov and M21, which CAN be rapid fire rifles, don’t hold your breath when shooting. Holding your breath multiplies the recoil, so when firing repeatedly, only your first shot will find its mark.

Always lead with the sights. This means, position your scope crosshairs about 3 steps in front of your targets predicted path, and let them walk into your bullet. It is much easier than following targets.

Don’t put ACOG scopes on ANY sniper rifles. It shortens the range, you can’t hold your breath and is by no means anywhere near as good as the normal sniper rifle scopes.
Respect: The last free tip I am going to give is respect. Respect everything you do. Snipers are the ones who channel themselves into a single moment and relieve the world of another un-expecting victim. Your job is to kill at a distance, not get into a lobby and start gloating because you had 0 deaths and XX kills. Also respect that you aren't the best sniper in the game, you will always be second to someone because that is just how life works. Respect yourself, don't become discouraged or frustrated because you are struggling, this is only a game, and I promise if you practice you will become good.

The biggest rule of all?:One Shot; One Kill. Period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you tell me how the sensitivity setting affects your gaming style, whether or not you're a sniper? You explained it to me the other day but i have forgotten.